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Dursley houseThis modest house on Picket Post Close in Martins Heron was used as the setting for Harry Potter's home in "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone."ZooplaThe house that was used as the setting for Harry Potter's childhood home at 4 Privet Drive in "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" is now on sale.

Though the fictional house is located in the village of Little Whingeing in Surrey, the three-bedroom home used in the film is on Picket Post Close in the Bracknell suburb of Martins Heron, and has an asking price of £475,000 ($619,486).

The link-detached suburban property — which is being marketed by Chancellors on the property listing site Zoopla— even has a cupboard under the stairs, where "Harry Potter" fans might wish to set up their bedroom just like the young wizard.

In the book and film, Harry lived at 4 Privet Drive with the Dursleys: his Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, and cousin Dudley. Here's what the Dursley residence looked like in the film:

privet drive 2Harry lived here before attending Hogwarts.Warner Brothers

For people who want more space, the largest of the three bedrooms has an en-suite bathroom.

Dursley house bedroomThe master bedroom has far more space than Harry's cramped under-the-stairs closet.Zoopla

There is also a spacious living room, which leads out to a garden with a patio, a recently remodelled kitchen, cloakroom, and family bathroom, according to the listing.

Dursley house living roomThe living room opens out to a garden with a patio.Zoopla

The home has undergone a total renovation, while a new driveway with a garage door has been added to the property.

Dursley house gardenThe garden comes with a patio, and leads into the living room inside.Zoopla

The property would require a mortgage payment of £1,516, and council tax payment of £169 per month, for a repayment schedule of 25 years, according to Zoopla.

Read the original article on Business Insider UK. Copyright 2018.

@темы: другое, Гарри Поттер